Trans-Hudson Commuting Capacity Study for PANYNJ
Cheng Solutions evaluated the potential effect of expanded Hudson River ferry services, new routes, and land connections on projected trans-Hudson travel demand. The objective was to see if increasing ferry service would mitigate demand and potentially reduce the required design capacity of a new Port Authority Bus Terminal (PABT). We analyzed new ridership that may divert from current bus commutation to a new or improved ferry service from South Amboy to Lower Manhattan, Edgewater to West 125th Street, and Hoboken to a new West 34th Street Ferry terminal. The study found the potential to divert 10 to 20 peak-hour buses from the PABT. Here, ferries were analyzed with other modes such as increases in bus, PATH service and new projects such as a 7-train extension.

The busiest bus terminal in the world by traffic volume, it's no secret PABT suffers from congestion. Modeling a variety of alternate journeys is the first step in understanding future capacity requirements.
New York – New Jersey
April – October 2016
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey